Vol. 30 No. 1 (2014)
Book & Film Reviews

Kobalenko, "Arctic Eden: Journeys Through The Changing High Arctic"

Ian J. MacRae
Wilfrid Laurier University

How to Cite

MacRae, I. J. (2014). Kobalenko, "Arctic Eden: Journeys Through The Changing High Arctic". The Trumpeter, 30(1), 78–84. Retrieved from https://trumpeter.athabascau.ca/index.php/trumpet/article/view/1326


This is a detailed summary, discussion, and critique of Jerry Kobalenko's book of High Arctic photography and travel writing, written by a reviewer who has traveled to a number of the places Kobalenko describes - sometimes with Kobalenko himself. This is a good book, written by someone with in-depth and intimate High Arctic experience. But the writing does not necessarily play off of the "Changing" element in triumphs in its title. The book scants the indigenous record in High Arctic islands, and posits an imaginary "Eden" in place of a real, rapidly changing, and increasingly important geo-political archipelago.