Book/Film Review Information

For Publishers/Authors:

If you are interested in having a book submitted to The Trumpeter for review, please send an email to Wendell Kisner, our Book Review Editor, at Please do not send review copies to the editors unless a reviewer has been arranged for the book.

If you are interested in writing a review on one of the books or films listed below, or if you would like to review something not on the list but which you think might be a good fit with the Trumpeter, please contact Wendell Kisner at

Book review guidelines:

The following are some general guidelines for book reviews submitted to the Trumpeter.

Avoid the following two extremes

Uncritical endorsement that overlooks problems.
Unfair criticism that either

  1. fails to address arguments the author presents which may allay the concerns raised, or
  2. faults the author for not doing something s/he wasn't trying to do in the first place.

Word limit

Most reviews tend to be between about 500 and 1500 words, with a 3000 word upper limit. Once a book review exceeds 3000 words, it begins to look more like a critical response paper than a book review and should be submitted as an article instead. Try to eliminate tangential discussions not directly related to the content of the book being reviewed. Alternatively, write a critical paper that more carefully develops the reviewer's own arguments, then submit it as a paper for publication rather than as a book review. Please contact the editor-in-chief ( regarding longer critical review essays if you think your work would be better categorised as such rather than as a research article.

Documentation & Style

Requirements for citation, manuscript formatting, and layout can be found here:

Books Requiring Reviewers:

Films Requiring Reviewers: