500,000 years ago sleepy chipmunks snuggled in their burrows. 400,000 years ago doe nibbled ladyslipper. 300,000 years ago dust on tiger swallowtail wing. 200,000 years ago whirligig beetle whirligigged. 100,000 years ago blue heron still as a statue 50,000 years ago male seahorse belly-pouch swollen with herd of perfectly shaped baby seahorses. 25,000 years ago leopard frog on lilypad 10,000 years ago male wasp stroking female wasp antennae lightly with his mouthparts as they copulate on the wing from flower to flower. Right now hippo shitting and pissing while whirling its tail like a propellor scattering the mess in all directions. 10,000 years from now opossum scurries across overgrown road. 25,000 years from now lobsters grappling lobsters with giant chelae. 50,000 years from now alligator snapper huge mouth agape wriggling pink worm-like tongue to attract unwary fish. 100,000 years from now female praying mantis clasps her mate eating his eyes and head causing headless corpse to writhe and kick till nothing's left but his penis still ejaculating in her ovipositor. 200,000 years from now yellow pollen-hung anthers of a red columbine. 300,000 years from now a white pine in spring smells just as good. 400,000 years from now a black bear sighs in her hibernation den. 500,000 years from now sleepy chipmunks snuggle in their burrows.
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