To contact Cohen: Project NatureConnect, P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA, 98250 Phone: 360-378-6313, E-mail:, World Wide Web address:
This book presents an integration of ecology and psychology that lets thoughtful sensory contacts with Earth catalyze wellness, spirit and responsibility
If the higher purpose of literature is to provoke thought...then Michael J. Cohen has written a masterpiece! Reconnecting With Nature is as provocative a book as this reviewer has seen. One of its purposes is to show how to let nature place its wisdom and spirit into our thinking and overcome our separation from its intelligence.
Cohen presents the case that we have separated from nature's nurture and that is the root cause of our maladies and discomforts. Worse...our natural abilities have been significantly reduced by our society. We live our lives in cement and steel structures that have greatly reduced our appreciation and respect for nature and all that nature offers and teaches.
Thus, Reconnecting With Nature is about awareness...and enlightenment and enablement. Cohen makes us aware of the situation in a bold, forthright yet compassionate fashion. He then shows us that the circumstance is not only is do-able. You see, Cohen has lived, researched and taught in nature for over thirty-six years, now. Not cement and steel...nature, and so he knows of what he writes. He then gives us simple, practical solutions to enable us to find our way back to the loves, truths and integrity that some of our Native American forebears lived, daily.
Reconnecting With Nature is a waker-upper! Cohen has sounded the alarm, defined the problem and given us the tools to put out the fire. This eye-opener is a brilliant self-help book for all seeking renewal in our relationships with our environment, and ourselves!
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