Vol. 30 No. 1 (2014)

Nietzsche's Hyperanthropos-Centrism

Robert Mark Causey
Georgia College & State University

How to Cite

Causey, R. M. (2014). Nietzsche’s Hyperanthropos-Centrism. The Trumpeter, 30(1), 33–48. Retrieved from https://trumpeter.athabascau.ca/index.php/trumpet/article/view/1347


In this article I examine Nietzsche's compatibility with Deep Ecology. I examine some important arguments for and against reading Nietzsche as an environmental philosopher. By introducing Arne Naess and Deep Ecology into the discussion, I show that Nietzsche can be effectively read as a forerunner to Deep Ecology, especially with his concept of the Ubermensch which he envisions as the human reintegrated into nature.